Thursday, October 16, 2014

A Mother's Thoughts

So I know we need to do an update on our journey...two weeks in and a lot to tell. Next post. This morning I woke up and had some thoughts to jot down. I will probably mess them up and even forget out half of what I want to say but,  here we go....
It's pride.....not because of anything I have done, not because I am even responsible; just pure pride for the fact that my Father in heaven decided that I was worthy of one of His angels. She is absolutely amazing!! Everyday I am in awe of who she is and how she navigates the world. Especially since we have embarked on this journey I am even more impressed with her.
Proverbs 22:6 says : "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." We do live by this but, right now I think that applies more to me as a parent. Because she is showing me how to be; not the other way around I think. I am so proud and impressed in the way that she is whole-heartedly involved in this whole process. She is not complaining or gripping or arguing or anything. She is all heart and soul and thoroughly experiencing the whole adventure.
What kid would go on a 4 hour, sit-in-your seat, do-not-move, one-bottle-of-water, a-few-snacks,  bumpy, hot, sweaty, hole-in-the-floor-bathroom-at-the-back-of-the-boat, boring, no-kids, cargo-leaing-against-you, not-comfy-seats, and more boat ride and not complain once. In fact she seemed to enjoy the quiet time.This all after spending from 11pm to 4am throwing up from some stomach bacteria she picked up in the village. Not one complaint!!!! REALLY?!!? Not me!
And, we had nothing to do with this...this is all the heart and soul of God. He has brought this amazing, inspiring girl into our world so that those who are blessed enough to watch her can learn what it truly means to live. What I am learning about her is that when we are complacent she gets bored, she sort of loses herself.. she becomes bossy, reactionary, hyper, and a little negative. She can be precocious and headstrong. But, this is just because she is meant to do....she is an action girl, she is organized, she is an idea person, and she needs to be doing something with her life. She is constantly looking for a new way to forge the world and she won't settle for the same old same old way it has always been done. She wants to do it a better way, she wants to find a way to do it better  for everyone. She still believes in the good of mankind. She believes everyone is good and just and kind. Even when she learns different she still believes they are a good person deep down and she can help them find it. Wether it is through being a friend or just lots of prayers. She loves the Lord with all her heart and wants to share His love. She is totally compassionate, fair, loving, loyal, smart as a whip, generous, full of joy and laughter. But, she knows herself. She is no doormat and will not back down from what she believes in. She is strong and self assured and self motivated. She is very internal and not afraid of her emotions.
I am so on-the-edge-of-my-seat, riveted, and excited to see what God has in store for her life. I only hope I don't get in the way too much and mess it up. Thank you, Lord for blessing me with the gift to watch her and learn from her. Bless her footsteps, Lord, as she continues to navigate the world, watch over her as she makes choices, fill her Holy Spirit and help her to know the path to travel, steady her heart Jesus as she takes on this life you have given her. Amen

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