Monday, August 17, 2015

Oasis Youth Center

It was a few days before the lease agreement was to be signed. We were praying that God would continue to open doors and that his will be done. Our good friend Keny randomly showed up for a visit and I started telling Keny about the possibility of renting the building and our ideas of a youth center there.  I told him we weren’t quite sure where God was leading with the use of the building but we were positive God wanted us to pursue renting it. Keny then proceeded to tell me about two churches that he works with in Iquitos; he knew they would be excited about partnering with us in this. His idea was that they could send youth from their churches for overnight “short term missions” to put on events and help get the youth of Nauta excited about this. I told him I thought this was a great idea but lets not say anything to anybody until I have the lease agreement signed and in my hands. Well Keny got a little excited about all this and went back to Iquitos and started talking to the pastors. The next day I received this message from him I Just talked with Pastor Alcides my friend from Manantial de Bendiciones, a church in front of The University UCP next to San Juan Municipality, he likes the idea to go with his youth ministry and do programs in your place. He would like to go every week ... Si, I will try to connect another 3 churches,  we will have many teams to Help you!”

This morning I was drinking my morning coffee and just spending some quiet time with God, when I heard his quiet voice. This fits perfectly with the vision of Junglemaster (to train up leaders and pastors so that they can take the Word deep into the jungle to reach the lost). I had missed this part when I was envisioning a youth center. Let’s stop and think about this for a minute; the church of Iquitos sending young missionaries to Nauta to reach the lost youth of Nauta. The youth of Nauta getting trained to be leaders and missionaries and sending mission teams to the villages on the river to reach the kids there. Then those youth taking what they have learned even deeper in the jungle.

We feel that training current leaders and pastors is extremely important so that correct doctrine can be taught. We are also starting to see that if we want the cultural cycles to stop we need to be focused on empowering and training the youth. Teaching them the Bible and why it’s not ok to continue the cycle of sex, drugs and violence. Teach them that through Christ there are ways to be released of this bondage that a lot of them are trapped in. Show them the peace that they can have through the love and grace only Christ can give us.

Do you want to partner with us too? We are excited and ready to get things moving! You can be a part of this also in so many ways. Have you ever wanted to come to the jungle, are you one that has felt the calling to go on a mission trip and just haven’t been sure where to go? I ask you to seriously pray and ask God if this is where he may want you to go to get involved and see the hand of God at work. We also believe that this area needs to be in constant prayer, we believe we are starting to see huge changes because we know this area is being washed in prayer but we believe with more prayer poured over this area we will see even more changes, so please partner with us in daily prayers that the enemies strong hold on this area will be lifted.  Maybe Gods prompting you to partner financially, if you feel God prompting you to partner financially you can go to our Junglemaster blog page where there is a paypal link, or you can also find the Junglemaster address at the blog and mail a check. Most importantly though we ask you to pray and really ask God where God wants you to partner with us in doing his work. I also might suggest you ask God for courage to partner with us, God asks us to step out in faith and that takes courage, and the only place to get this courage is through him, by asking him for it.

God Bless you, your missionaries in the jungles of Peru.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Carmen's room

So as you can imagine; we were a tad bit happy that Carmen has her own room now.  After six months of sharing a room; it was time. But, we didn't realize just how happy Carmen was until we found this little video on Joel's phone. Thought I would share....