Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Leadership Training

I have been invited to attend Dannah Gresh Leadership Training in the Dominican Republic.

Many of you women and moms out there may know already about Dannah Gresh. For those who may not know her name; she is an amazing woman of God and a pioneer in leading young girls and women around the world to live lives of modesty and purity. She is the author of many books such as And The Bride Wore White, The Lies Young Women Believe, and Six Ways to Keep the Little in Your Girl. She is also the Co-Founder along with her husband of the Pure Freedom and Secret Keeper Girls organizations. I myself have read many of her books and I led a small Bible study for Carmen and her friends using one of Dannah’s devotionals.

Dannah Gresh is hosting Leadership Training in the Dominican Republic November 4 – 6 of this year. She wants to branch out to helping young women in the DR and is providing training to English-speaking missionaries and leaders in that area. An invitation has been extended to three missionaries here in Peru and I was offered one of the invitations.

This invitation came just a day after another missionary friend, Laura, and I were talking to a local pastor about how his church teaches God’s principals on purity, dating, and personal value in this area. And how we can help reach the young women in an area where women are still struggling with oppression. His church is a leader in the community with teaching the youth about God. He was explaining that even in his church they are only teaching the girls to get an education and then marry.

Many of you know I have always enjoyed working with youth and have in some form or another been looking for ways to get more involved. I have been watching, listening, and asking God to show me how to help here. I see a huge need not just here in Peru but, it seems like everywhere to reach out to young women. I feel they are facing so many struggles in today’s social media world. In this area of Peru the excepted message in this male-dominated cultural is so oppressive and damaging. I feel God is putting this opportunity in my path to equip me to help young women not just here in Peru but wherever I am.

Joel and I agree that this is an important opportunity.  So, I am asking that you would join me in prayer as I ask God to help me go to this training. I need to leave on Tuesday November 1, 2016 and return Tuesday November 8, 2016. The total cost for me to go to the training is $1800.  This sum is not part of our budgeted expenses, so it must be over and above what we currently receive.  Thank you so much for all the love and support you have given our family during this time of service to our Father. You will never know how much your prayers and support have not only meant to us but, to so many others!

God Bless,


 Donations can be made to :
Jungle Master Ministries 
Amy McGee
PO Box 29868
Bellingham, WA 98228

Friday, September 2, 2016

New Video

So we had a missions team from George Fox University in OR come down for two and a half weeks in July. We held a youth event in Nauta, visited and met with the Co-Faternity up river, and we were blessed to be able to accompany the group to Cusco and Machu-Picchu. It was a wonderful trip. Carmen made a video highlighting this trip through her eyes. Check it out...


Monday, May 30, 2016

Carmen's Blog and video

So Carmen has started a blog and now wants to try doing a video series called Missionary Girl. Check out her blog:
Subscribe to get updates. She does more blogs than we do...haha!

Also check out her video below.
Missionary Girl vlog 1

Monday, May 9, 2016

The Hard Part

It’s really hard for me to admit when I’m struggling. I’m the type of guy that internalizes and can usually figure my way out of most any situation that I get into. Well, it’s now time to admit I’m struggling. It’s uncomfortable to have to have to let people know that we still haven’t reached our original monthly budget, but the truth is we haven’t. Since I quit my full time job we have always been about $600 short of reaching our monthly budget. Now, I don’t want to put off the vibe that we are starving because we aren’t we’re doing O.K. What it does though is make it really hard to do much more than just live. To think about doing any type of outreach work or mission stuff is really tough when you are already worried about the monthly bills being paid. Thank you to the people that have faithfully supported us this isn’t the McGee’s mission or JungleMaster mission this is God’s mission and we all belong to it. God has been so faithful to us and now I feel it is my time to be faithful and let everyone know where we are struggling. If you feel God leading you to financially help us you can set up automatic monthly withdrawals by following the link at the bottom of the page or you can make out your check to JungleMaster Ministries and just put McGee support in the comment section. 
Mail your check to

Junglemaster Ministry
PO box 29868
Bellingham, WA.


Saturday, April 23, 2016

Gods gift

Romans 12:6-8, Paul talks about our gifts that have been given to us by Christ.

What is that thing you do that satisfies you like nothing else? As most of you know my gift is a mechanical aptitude. Nothing satisfies me more then solving a mechanical issue. For a lot of years I didn’t understand how this gift could be used to further Gods kingdom until God gave me a clear vision and said to me “just go and let me show you how the gift I gave you can be used.” I’m going to spare you the long list of places that I have been able to use this gift, but what I will say is God has shown me immensely how my gift can be used.

Not only have I used my mechanical gift, he has also awakened other gifts that I never really even knew I had or maybe I knew I had but I didn’t think I would like using them. O.K. people this is really hard for a person like me to even write this, but I think God may have given me a gift for public speaking (no, right now I’m not very good at it and need practice) but I really am starting to like it. It makes me feel good to get up and talk about what God has done and is doing in my life.

Now, another part of God given gifts is accepting and using the help of other peoples’ God given gifts. We (the McGee family) have been given the gift of working along with JungleMaster Ministries. Let me explain how this works. The McGee’s raise monthly support to do ministry work in Peru but the monthly support they raise only covers the costs of living in Peru. JungleMaster ministry has logistical tools (boat, house, supplies, many other things) that the McGees get to use to help support JungleMaster ministry along with doing some of there own ministry. We also have been able to use my mechanical gifts along with JungleMaster Ministries gifts to help other ministries here on the river and in Nauta. What I see is these gifts are all a part of the body of ChristI see a lot of people in ministry who are trying to do it all on their own, this wasn’t how God designed it, we HAVE to work together to get the job done.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Just Pictures

So this week I made a quick little video with pictures. It's been a relatively quiet week. Next week we will be heading up river and the following week Joel will be speaking at a Pastor's Conference in another village for three days. So we have taken time this week to rest and organize and prepare.
Have a great week!!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Saying Goodbye

Goodbyes are hard. (I'm so profound; I know,,, Haha)
I must admit I don’t do them very well.

This last week was a good week with having our friend Charlie Smith here helping Joel get the Junglemaster boat ready for the river.  It is just such a blessing to have friends and family visit and to accomplish so much in a short period of time.
But, Friday Charlie returned to Washington. ("Ow, Charlie, that hurts! Hehe, couldn't resist!)

Also this week we said to goodbye to a group of young missionaries that have been in Nauta for 5 months with the British ministry. They are such wonderful missionaries with wonderful servant hearts. They made quite an impact on our family (especially Carmen) and it was hard to see them go knowing we may never see them again.

But, as we celebrate the Life and Resurection of Jesus; I am struck at how Jesus also knows how hard it is to say goodbye.  He had to prepare to leave and to prepare His disciples for His leaving.  Can you imagine?!
There are many ways Jesus prepares us and teaches us about saying goodbye. But, for me, it’s the promise the Resurrection gives that comforts me the most.

When we were home this last time; I wasn’t able to see everyone I wanted to see. But, one of my dear friends told me, “I know we are friends forever and I will have lots of time to spend with you in the future.’
What a blessing that was for me to hear! 

It reminds me that no matter how hard the goodbyes; they are not forever. Even if I don’t get to see you again on this side of heaven; my friends; I know I will see you again.

So, today I will be sad, I will miss my friends, I will be grateful and thank God for them, and I will rejoice in the fact that I WILL see them again!

Happy Easter & God Bless

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. John 3:16-17