Friday, January 31, 2014

Words cannot explaIn....

Where to begin? How do you start? We are trying to write a post talking about what we are doing, how we were called to go, purpose and passion, etc.

Carmen's absolutely perfect summation of the below text: "Words and actions can't explain it; only God can." (out of the mouth of babes..K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Silly)

Now on to my long-winded version:

How do we put into words something that is so personal and internal? Something that every time you pray the Lord speaks and tells you to "GO". That's it, period. How do you explain how your heart aches to be with these people? How do explain how it feels to have you leave pieces of yourself behind every time you leave those wonderful people? How do you explain the pure joy in seeing God and His amazing love shine into some of the most desperate and hopeless situations. How can we explain how we really don't feel we're doing anything; that it is all God. It is His purpose, His passion, His love and mercy and all for His glory. How do you show physical proof of what we are doing in Peru when it is so much deeper: spiritual and relational.
 I mean we will be doing lots of work. Lots of leadership guiding, teaching and educating, and logistical work for the local and international missionaries. The pastors in the area feel a huge burden to bring the Word of God into the farthest reaches of the jungle and we are blessed to be called to stand beside them as they fight this battle to encourage and support their people. Our role is to empower and equip them. They are the ones who can do God's work in the jungle and bring the Light in to the darkest areas. We hope to be able to help them understand how to use the tools they have been given to better to support the mission. Also, to help build a stronger bridge between JungleMasters in the US and the Peruvian ministry so that both can benefit even more from each other and work even closer together for the glory of God.
Our deepest desire would be that we could bring everyone with us to see the power and glory of God working in the Amazon jungle and feel the power of the Holy Spirit in everyone we come in contact with. How do you put into words how immensely important the work that the Peruvian missionaries are doing for the Kingdom of God? It is difficult explain why God has invited our small insignificant family to join Him on this journey. With every prayer God shows us small pieces of what He is calling us to do. It is an ongoing conversation and journey. We may not know specifically yet what God has for us to do there but, as in all the times we have gone before we start with "our" plans and when we arrive God reveals His plan. We invite everyone to prayerfully join us in this conversation and on this journey. As our family continues to follow Jesus and what He is asking us to do we want you all there because we cannot do this alone. We will do the best we can to communicate this ongoing adventure and we know that God will help us to keep you updated. We would love to talk with anyone who would like to get more details about this calling.

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