Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Look what I found.....

So, I am cleaning and packing today. I realize that Carmen is being kind of quiet. Now if she were upstairs I would just assume she was playing in the playroom but, she had come downstairs. I go to find her and this is what I see....

Mom: "What are you doing?"
Carmen: "Look, the alphabet mom."
Mom: "I see, where did you find them."
Carmen: "Nowhere, I just did."
Mom: "Uh, huh... you just found them lying around?"
Carmen: "Well, I didn't get them out of the bag, or uh no, look at all the letters."

Oh, the honesty of youth. Ok, so I let this one go. I mean how can you scold her for getting into the craft stuff when she is just trying to learn the alphabet, right?
(notice the OPI? Was that just a fluke? )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so funny! That girl! She is so quick on her feet. She looks ready to be made into alphabet soup! :) Toni