Wow ! How you have grown. Has it really been 3 years?
Carmen's first day was yesterday. She really liked the school. There were a few nerves when she saw the other kids crying but, as always she just pushed right through and really enjoyed herself. I on the other hand had a really hard time. You know I thought I was ready for it because I knew it was so good for her but, boy was I wrong!! I blubbered (I mean the ugly kind) all morning and after we left her. (She only saw me cry once) What really got me was she left Eeyore the whole time in her cubby! No security I go again.(sniff, sniff)
But, she was so ready for this next step. I realize that I am the one that is trying to prolong each milestone. She just comes through each stage with flying colors and is ready to jump both feet first into the next phase. But me, I go kicking and screaming.
I never thought that I could be so proud of another person as much as I am of Carmen. She is just so amazing! (sappy I know)
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