Monday, May 30, 2016

Carmen's Blog and video

So Carmen has started a blog and now wants to try doing a video series called Missionary Girl. Check out her blog:
Subscribe to get updates. She does more blogs than we do...haha!

Also check out her video below.
Missionary Girl vlog 1

Monday, May 9, 2016

The Hard Part

It’s really hard for me to admit when I’m struggling. I’m the type of guy that internalizes and can usually figure my way out of most any situation that I get into. Well, it’s now time to admit I’m struggling. It’s uncomfortable to have to have to let people know that we still haven’t reached our original monthly budget, but the truth is we haven’t. Since I quit my full time job we have always been about $600 short of reaching our monthly budget. Now, I don’t want to put off the vibe that we are starving because we aren’t we’re doing O.K. What it does though is make it really hard to do much more than just live. To think about doing any type of outreach work or mission stuff is really tough when you are already worried about the monthly bills being paid. Thank you to the people that have faithfully supported us this isn’t the McGee’s mission or JungleMaster mission this is God’s mission and we all belong to it. God has been so faithful to us and now I feel it is my time to be faithful and let everyone know where we are struggling. If you feel God leading you to financially help us you can set up automatic monthly withdrawals by following the link at the bottom of the page or you can make out your check to JungleMaster Ministries and just put McGee support in the comment section. 
Mail your check to

Junglemaster Ministry
PO box 29868
Bellingham, WA.