Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Our week

So this last week has been a full week. We have been really busy getting our house to a stage that we can move back into it, and on Thanksgiving Day we were able to do just that!!  What a wonderful thing to do on Thanksgiving!! Now when I say livable I mean a roof over our heads, a small enclosed room for our beds, toilet/shower, running water, three outside walls, and a handy makeshift kitchen to cook in. Every woman’s dream right? Ha-ha No really it is coming along great and we are starting to get things put away and settled in.  I am so grateful because the work that has been done looks great and I am starting to see how it will all come together and am really excited.
I was also able to go to a pastor training class to hear one of our new South African friends, Danja, teach on Romans. She has three degrees in theology and it was wonderful to hear her talk and teach the local pastors here in Nauta. I feel very blessed to have been able to attend this class. It was nice too because she spoke in English!!
Joel spoke at a family class on being a Godly husband. Although it was primarily women; there were a couple men. I was very proud and he did wonderful.  Crystal, another local missionary, and I felt that even though all the husbands were not there; it is important for the women to here this message also. But, this class did lead to a motor maintenance class that Joel will be teaching on Dec 13th. So please be praying that this is something that will turn into what Joel is looking to do here in the jungle. Joel was saying to me how amazing God is to give him the chance to not only work for JungleMaster but, to also do something he is so passionate about. PTL!
One of the many things I have learned about myself during this adventure is that although I loved reading the books; I now know why I never wanted to be Laura Ingles Wilder! I will do anything that the Lord asks of me and I will do it with a grateful heart {even if I do complain a little}. But, I know without a doubt I do not ever want to be a pioneer woman!! I knew there was a reason I loved the Anne of Green Gables series more! I would be great being Anne Girl any day. Ha-ha
As for Carmen, she is so amazing! Everyday I am in awe of how she is handling this whole thing. She has to work harder helping me than she has ever had to do before. She does it with out complaint, mostly. I have had some guilt over this fact but if she doesn’t help it would take us twice as long to do some of the simplest tasks like washing dishes. But, again God is gracious in showing us that it will all be good. I see this when she will just out of the blue say things like, “I feel really responsible.” Or “I enjoy cleaning with you, Mom.”” She is just so resilient and strong. She can just roll with the punches and keep on going. Joel and I check in on a regular basis and make sure we are not asking too much of her but, she always jumps right in with both feet. She is putting together a small children’s bible study. She is trying to get lessons in Spanish and putting a schedule together for snacks and songs and games. I think we will try that next week if possible. I just love that girl!

So that’s life so far….it is frustrating at times and so gratifying at times but through it all I see God.