Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hare Raising Fun

We took the girls up over one of the local passes to a place that has hundreds of rabbits. It is this little tiny town along the hwy and there is an eatery and cabins you can rent and a small roadside chapel. But, their claim to fame is the rabbits. They are there all year round and in the summer there are hundreds of rabbits! The restaurant saves all their old bread and you can stop in anytime and feed the rabbits. Usually they will come right up to you and eat out of your hand but, the girls were too busy chasing them. But, Wes got a few of them to come over to him. It was just a fun outing.

Fall Festivies

So Fall was fun. We went to a local apple & pumpkin patch/farm. They have wagon rides and all kinds of animals and great apple desserts.The video is of us trying to get our picture taken on the wagon ride but I forgot that I had used the video last. Anyway, there we are looking kinds dorky saying cheese for so long before the lady taking the picture said it was recording. It was just one of those funny moments.

I also included a picture of Carmen as a poodle. That was the costume Grammy made last year but, it still fit OK.

She was also a cow and Gillian was a dinosaur for trick-or-treating downtown and at Grammy and Grampy's house. Very fun and cute! Carmen's favorite candy was lollipops! She would look through the bowls of candy for them.

Toni and I dreesed up in costumes from my grandmothers collection that was given to me when she passed away. It was really nice to be able to use the costumes and share them with our friends and family. I think granny would approve.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Service Interrupted!!!

Sorry about not posting anything for a LOOOONG time. We just got a new computer and I will be resuming posts soon. I hope you will continue to check up on us periodically.